Friday 10 August 2012

My Week In Pictures! - Instagram

I love instagraming, it's one of the great things about iPhone! Filters are amazing, I am seriously addicted to instagram nowadays, I take at least one picture a day. Here's my week in pictures:

This one I took on Monday while being  bored waiting  for the bus. I hate buses and the fact that I live so far away from the town, can't wait to drive myself!    

Boyfriend made a lovely meal for me on a Wednesday night. Tasted as good as it looks :) 

Ben&Jerry's Chocolate fudge brownie, best ice cream in the whole entire world! I'm sure I'm like the 89796547th person who took that picture...

Wasn't supposed to spend any money but somehow ended up in New-look, buying this top and necklace, really happy with it though :)

Was coming back home from town, it was really sunny and warm outside (unusual weather for Scotland)
Took this picture of my back garden. Loving the vintage filter/effect.

Love, Margie xoxo

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